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Shiro SecurityManager
Today, let’s see how to config Shiro Session and Cache in Web environment with Spring MVC. In this case, we use Shiro to store cache and session. Also, we can use other implementions, which are the same process.
The Demo is available Here.
Here is is the SecurityManager configuration:
<bean id="securityManager" class="org.apache.shiro.web.mgt.DefaultWebSecurityManager">
<property name="sessionManager" ref="sessionManager"/>
<property name="cacheManager" ref="jedisShiroCacheManager"/>
<property name="realm" ref="customRelam"/>
<property name="rememberMeManager" ref="cookieRememberMeManager"/>
We implement SessionManager and CacheManager to store them in Redis.
Here is the diagrame shows the dependencies:
Here is the SessionManager configuration:
<bean id="sessionManager" class="org.apache.shiro.web.session.mgt.DefaultWebSessionManager">
<property name="sessionValidationInterval" value="18000000"/>
<property name="globalSessionTimeout" value="1800000"/>
<property name="sessionDAO" ref="customShiroSessionDao"/>
<property name="sessionListeners" ref="customSessionListener"/>
: the interval in milliseconds that shiro checks the validation of sessions.globalSessionTimeout
: sets the system-wide default time in milliseconds that any session may remain idle before expiring.sessionDAO
: the implemention of session operation.sessionListeners
: Notification callback that occurs when the corresponding Session has stated, expired or stoped.
To implement SessionDao, we have to implement org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis.AbstractSessionDAO
Here is the sessionDAO:
<bean id="customShiroSessionDao" class="io.github.geniusv.shiro.session.CustomShiroSessionDao">
<property name="shiroSessionRespository" ref="defaultShiroSessionRespository"/>
<property name="sessionIdGenerator" ref="javaUuidSessionIdGenerator"/>
<bean id="javaUuidSessionIdGenerator" class="org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis.JavaUuidSessionIdGenerator"/>
I recommend not to directly inject jedisPool into this class, instead, I created an interface ShiroSessionRespository
and an implemention DefaultShiroSessionRespository
to perform operations. So that if we want to use other implementions to store sessions, we just need to implement ShiroSessionRespository
: generate session id.shiroSessionRespository
: custom shiroSessionRespository
By the way, I made a mistake here, the implemention of the ShiroSessionRespository
should be RedisShiroSessionRespository
or DefaultRedisShiroSessionRespository
. But in this case, I only use Redis so it should be OK.
Here is is the implemention of org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis.AbstractSessionDAO
public class CustomShiroSessionDao extends AbstractSessionDAO {
private ShiroSessionRespository shiroSessionRespository;
public ShiroSessionRespository getShiroSessionRespository() {
return shiroSessionRespository;
public void setShiroSessionRespository(ShiroSessionRespository shiroSessionRespository) {
this.shiroSessionRespository = shiroSessionRespository;
protected Serializable doCreate(Session session) {
Serializable sessionId = generateSessionId(session);
assignSessionId(session, sessionId);
return sessionId;
protected Session doReadSession(Serializable serializable) {
return shiroSessionRespository.getSession(serializable);
public void update(Session session) throws UnknownSessionException {
public void delete(Session session) {
public Collection<Session> getActiveSessions() {
return shiroSessionRespository.getAllSessions();
To achieve code reuse, we just catch exceptions, serialize and unserialize objects, add logs and convert type here, and use JedisDao
to encapulate all bottom operations.
Here is the configuration:
<bean id="defaultShiroSessionRespository"
<property name="jedisDao" ref="jedisDao"/>
Here is the interface and the implemention:
public interface ShiroSessionRespository {
void saveSession(Session session);
void deleteSession(Serializable sessionId);
Session getSession(Serializable sessionId);
Collection<Session> getAllSessions();
public class DefaultShiroSessionRespository implements ShiroSessionRespository {
private JedisDao jedisDao;
public JedisDao getJedisDao() {
return jedisDao;
public void setJedisDao(JedisDao jedisDao) {
this.jedisDao = jedisDao;
public void saveSession(Session session) {
if (session == null || session.getId() == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("session is empty");
try {
byte[] key = SerializeUtil.serialize(session.getId());
byte[] value = SerializeUtil.serialize(session);
Long sessionTimeOut = session.getTimeout() / 1000 + 60;
jedisDao.saveValueByKey(key, value, sessionTimeOut.intValue());
} catch (Exception e) {
LoggerUtil.error(getClass(), e, "save session error, id:[%s]", session.getId());
public void deleteSession(Serializable sessionId) {
if (sessionId == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("session id is empty");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LoggerUtil.error(getClass(), e, "delete session throw exception: id:[%s]]", sessionId);
public Session getSession(Serializable sessionId) {
if (sessionId == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("session id is empty");
Session result = null;
try {
byte[] value = jedisDao.getValueByKey(SerializeUtil.serialize(sessionId));
result = (Session) SerializeUtil.unserialize(value);
} catch (Exception e) {
LoggerUtil.error(getClass(), e, "get session throw exception: id:[%s]", sessionId);
return result;
public Collection<Session> getAllSessions() {
Collection<Session> result = null;
try {
Collection<byte[]> keys = jedisDao.getAllKeys("*".getBytes());
for (byte[] item : keys) {
result.add((Session) SerializeUtil.unserialize(item));
} catch (Exception e) {
LoggerUtil.error(getClass(), e, "get all session throw exception");
return result;
I injected the JedisDao
in the class, for more infomation, see JedisDao
manages cache, we have to implement getCache
method, which means we need to new a cache. So we inject JedisDao
into the CacheManager
and pass it to the constructor of the cache.
Here is the configuration:
<bean id="jedisShiroCacheManager" class="io.github.geniusv.shiro.cache.JedisShiroCacheManager">
<property name="shiroJedisDao" ref="shiroJedisDao"/>
Here is the implemention:
public class JedisShiroCacheManager implements CacheManager {
private JedisDao jedisDao;
public JedisDao getJedisDao() {
return jedisDao;
public void setJedisDao(JedisDao jedisDao) {
this.jedisDao = jedisDao;
public <K, V> Cache<K, V> getCache(String s) throws CacheException {
return new JedisShiroCache<>(jedisDao);
See JedisDao
for more infomation about it.
implements org.apache.shiro.cache.Cache
, we can catch exceptions, do logs, and some other things here, all bottom operations will be given to JedisDao
Here it is:
public class JedisShiroCache<k, v> implements Cache<k, v> {
private ShiroJedisDao dao;
public JedisShiroCache(ShiroJedisDao dao) {
this.dao = dao;
public v get(k key) throws CacheException {
byte[] byteKey = SerializeUtil.serialize(key);
byte[] byteValue = new byte[0];
try {
byteValue = dao.getValueByKey(byteKey);
} catch (Exception e) {
LoggerUtil.error(getClass(), "get shiro cache value by cache throw exception", e);
v result = (v) SerializeUtil.unserialize(byteValue);
if (result != null) {
LoggerUtil.debug(getClass(), "shiro getting cache: getAllKeys: %s, value: %s", key.toString(), result.toString());
return result;
public v put(k key, v value) throws CacheException {
LoggerUtil.debug(getClass(), "shiro putting cache: getAllKeys: %s, value: %s", key.toString(), value.toString());
v previous = get(key);
try {
dao.saveValueByKey(SerializeUtil.serialize(key), SerializeUtil.serialize(value), -1);
} catch (Exception e) {
LoggerUtil.error(getClass(), "put shiro cache throw exception", e);
return previous;
public v remove(k key) throws CacheException {
LoggerUtil.debug(getClass(), "shiro deleting cache: getAllKeys: %s", key.toString());
v previous = get(key);
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LoggerUtil.error(getClass(), "remove shiro cache throw exception", e);
return previous;
public void clear() throws CacheException {
LoggerUtil.debug(getClass(), "shiro clearing all cache...");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
LoggerUtil.error(getClass(), "clear shiro cache throw exception", e);
public int size() {
if (keys() == null)
return 0;
return keys().size();
public Set<k> keys() {
return null;
public Collection<v> values() {
return null;
encapulates some bottom operations, we need to inject the jedispool
and the dbindex
. dbindex
is an option. if we don’t config dbindex
, all operations will be performed on redis database 0
, which is the default redis database.
here is the JedisDao
<bean id="JedisDao" class="io.github.geniusv.jedis.JedisDao">
<property name="jedispool" ref="jedispool"/>
<property name="dbindex" value="1"/>
here is the JedisDao
public class JedisDao {
private int dbindex = 0;
private jedispool jedispool;
public jedispool getjedispool() {
return jedispool;
public void setjedispool(jedispool jedispool) {
this.jedispool = jedispool;
public int getdbindex() {
return dbindex;
public void setdbindex(int dbindex) {
this.dbindex = dbindex;
public jedis getjedis() {
jedis jedis = null;
try {
jedis = jedispool.getresource();;
} catch (jedisconnectionexception e) {
loggerutil.error(getclass(), "get redis error", e);
return jedis;
public void returnresource(jedis jedis, boolean isbroken) {
if (jedis == null)
public byte[] getvaluebykey(byte[] key) throws exception {
jedis jedis = null;
byte[] result = null;
boolean isbroken = false;
try {
jedis = getjedis();
result = jedis.get(key);
} catch (exception e) {
isbroken = true;
throw e;
} finally {
returnresource(jedis, isbroken);
return result;
public void deletebykey(byte[] key) throws exception {
jedis jedis = null;
boolean isbroken = false;
try {
jedis = getjedis();
} catch (exception e) {
isbroken = true;
throw e;
} finally {
returnresource(jedis, isbroken);
public void savevaluebykey(byte[] key, byte[] value, int expiretime)
throws exception {
jedis jedis = null;
boolean isbroken = false;
try {
jedis = getjedis();
jedis.set(key, value);
if (expiretime > 0)
jedis.expire(key, expiretime);
} catch (exception e) {
isbroken = true;
throw e;
} finally {
returnresource(jedis, isbroken);
public void flushdb() throws exception {
jedis jedis = null;
boolean isbroken = false;
try {
jedis = getjedis();
} catch (exception e) {
isbroken = true;
throw e;
} finally {
returnresource(jedis, isbroken);
public collection<byte[]> getallkeys(byte[] pattern) {
jedis jedis = null;
set<byte[]> result = null;
boolean isbroken = false;
try {
jedis = getjedis();
result = jedis.keys(pattern);
} catch (exception e) {
isbroken = true;
throw e;
} finally {
returnresource(jedis, isbroken);
return result;
we can make it as an abstract class, then we can custom different type of JedisDao
in different scenarios.