- choose File -> new -> project
- choose Gradel
- choose SDK
- choose Java and Web on the right panel
- choose next
- enter GroupId and Aritfictid
- change Version to 0.0.1-SNAPSHOT
- choose next
- choose Gradle JVM
- choose next
- confirm name and location
- choose Finish
- wait for gradle to complete
- add servlet-dependency to build.gradle
- choose Gradle and click refresh button
- check if the dependency is installed
- create a java dictonary in main dictionary, which shoudld become a root dictionary automatically.
- create WEB-INF dictionary in webapp dictionary.
- create web.xml in WEB-INF. If there is no template, choose Edit File Templates. Then, create a template in files, and copy Code -> Other -> Web -> Deployment descriptors -> Web.3_1.xml to the template and press OK
- choose Edit Configuration (beside the run button), add a Local Tomcat Server.
- Configure the Tomcat Server if is necessary.
- choose depolyment and add a artifact having a explored at the end.
- the application context is recommened
- Choose Server. On Update action and On frame deactication both choose Update classes and resources.
- choose apply
- Done !